Safe crossings are essential to community connectivity, safety, and livability. Since the City of Edmonton adopted Vision Zero in 2015, the City has been investing in pedestrian safety. There are 10 new projects confirmed for 2023, with 10 in Ward Métis!

The City carefully considers the order in which crossing locations are upgraded, taking into account equitable safety and community needs, feedback that has been gathered and shared with the City, existing infrastructure, and future growth.
Take a look at some of the planned projects with 2023 here, or check out the interactive map below.
Typically, improvements to our mobility network are made during neighbourhood renewal, so that safe mobility can be embedded into the design of our neighbourhoods from the outset. For example, the introduction of raised crosswalks, pedestrian through zones, and curb bump outs at intersections are becoming important parts of building safe, walkable, communities in line with our Complete Streets Design and Construction Standards.
However, it not always feasible to wait until neighbourhood renewal to make upgrades. The Safe Crossings Program allows the City to target crossings in need of improvement and upgrades them using proven, effective and innovative tools.
Beyond neighbourhood renewal, and the Safe Crossings Program, the City also funded additional safe mobility programming in the 2023-2026 budget, like Vision Zero Street Labs and Safety at Schools.
I am looking forward to seeing the 2023 upgrades installed across Ward Métis, and will continue working alongside my council colleagues to build safer communities across the city.