Community Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Creating healthy and safe communities that support wellbeing is one of Ashley's top priorities. Ashley takes a holistic approach and is focused on creating safer streets, improving access to parks and recreation, increasing our supply of affordable housing, and addressing the root causes of crime, theft, break-ins and vandalism.

Safe Streets
Safe Streets and walkable neighbourhoods are the foundation of healthy communities.
Regardless of age or ability, Edmontonians should be able to safely navigate their city in all seasons. Having served on the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues Street Speeds Committee, I know Safe Streets are about more than speed limits. We can do more to prevent shortcutting, and improve unsafe crossings with low-cost solutions such as rubber speed cushions and flexible bollards. Let’s collaborate with communities to implement targeted interventions. Neighbours know best when it comes to identifying problem areas.
An Inclusive & Compassionate City
Let’s ensure that all people have opportunities to engage in community life, and support those who are isolated, marginalized, or facing injustice.
That means addressing systemic racism in our communities and institutions, eliminating poverty and homelessness, taking action towards reconciliation, combating ageism, and supporting the physical and mental health of all residents. In the immediate term, let’s support those who have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19.
Affordable housing is a cornerstone to achieving community health and wellness. While shelters are a temporary solution, we must invest in permanent supportive housing. Let's leverage our partnerships and underused land, to create an efficient pipeline of shovel ready projects that we can use to attract funding from higher levels of government.

Equitable Access to Recreation, Services, Amenities & Parks
All Edmontonians deserve to have accessible public spaces and infrastructure that support physical and mental health.
Many communities in Ward Métis have experienced the loss or perpetual threat of closure of public amenities and services, like pools, rec-centres and rinks. We need a sustainable solution that will enable us to retain these community-serving assets for years to come. Let’s ensure our neighbourhoods have equitable access to affordable public services, libraries, amenities, green space and recreational centres.
Crime, Community Safety & Policing
Let's take a proactive approach to community safety & wellness.
Many residents in Ward Métis are concerned about crime, theft, break-ins, vandalism and problem properties. In many cases, these issues are a symptom of inadequate housing and mental health supports. Let’s ensure we're triaging calls for service to Edmonton Police Service and City Bylaw Officers in the most efficient way possible so that issues and concerns are resolved in a timely and effective manner by the appropriate agencies.
At the same time, to reduce demand for police service, we must address the root causes of crime and social disorder by funding social services and programs, encouraging the development of permanent supportive housing, and assisting people experiencing trauma, distress and homelessness. Everyone deserves to feel safe in our city, and we must look at how we can modernize our approach to community safety and wellbeing to better serve all Edmontonians.

Help Ashley
Community Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Growing Our Local Economy
Fair & Responsible Fiscal Policy
Complete Communities
Climate Resilience & Green Economy
Build Effective Relationships